Here’s Why Native Trees Are Gifts That Count


Chocolates are tasty and flowers are dandy, but native trees are the gifts that count (even though they’re not candy). Ok, so poetry isn’t our strong point, but tree gifts are our area of expertise, and that includes native trees.

We’re lucky here in NZ in that we have some gorgeous native flora and fauna that thrive in so many different locations. It makes it even better knowing that when planted in the garden, these trees are highly likely to thrive, whether it is one you have chosen for yourself or given as a gift.

But wait, that’s not all. There are many other exceptional reasons as to why native trees are truly the gift that counts…

Time to Give Native Trees; the Gifts That Count 

When choosing a gift, there’s a lot to consider. Will they like it? Is it something they’d enjoy? Will it keep on providing pleasure? Native tree gifts do all those things and more! Here are a few of our favourite reasons as to why they are the ultimate gifts that count:

  • Providing food sources and habitats for our native insects, birds and bees
  • Help with soil stabilisation, reducing erosion
  • Giving us clean air and reducing the effects of climate change
  • Help improve our mental wellbeing by being able to see and walk amongst them
  • Make a great outdoor playground, including walking and playing amongst them, and even tree climbing!
  • Assist with cleaning up of waterways and reducing flood risks
  • Can live for thousands of years, providing the ultimate memorial or sympathy gift
  • Are culturally significant and can provide medicinal benefits
  • Provide shade and shelter for people, livestock, and native fauna
  • Help with nutrient recycling and keeping our soil healthy
  • Increased biodiversity, ensuring our native bush is more resilient and able to support a wider range of ecosystems
  • Help improve the water quality of our streams and rivers
  • Provide a natural screen for unsightly areas

We also thought it would be worth mentioning that native trees are low maintenance and are pretty laid back. Well obviously, they don’t lie down, but they are easy going in that you don’t need to plant them in straight rows or prune them into specific shapes. Just the right fertile soil conditions, location and adequate moisture is all they need.

We’d love to help you choose the perfect trees for your garden or as a gift for someone special. Just sing out if you’d like some help, and we promise we we’ll only share our knowledge with you – not our poetry!


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