NZ Guide to Growing Citrus

New Zealanders have a passion for growing citrus trees. There’s hardly a home without a lemon tree in a pot or out in the garden, and there’s always someone wanting to give away their surplus grapefruit. While our usage of citrus in our daily lives may have changed, our love remains and that’s why we’ve put together a few tips to help boost your citrus trees at home.

Your Guide to Growing Citrus at Home 

From fragrant blooms through to juicy fruit, citrus trees hold a special place in our hearts. They can prove somewhat temperamental, but with some TLC will give generations the pleasure they’ve provided us with. Key pointers to growing citrus successfully at home are:

  • Choose your tree positions carefully. Citrus love warm and sunny spots that are sheltered with good drainage. Wet feet can result in unhappy trees, which can be seen as yellowing leaves, leaf drop and even tree death.

  • In colder climates, citrus need to be protected from frost and cold wind. This usually means that citrus lovers in colder parts of the country are likely to have their citrus in pots close to the house that can be moved and use frost cloth when required.

  • Plant citrus trees in autumn, winter or spring, making sure you choose a time when frosts will not occur. If you are wanting to relocate a citrus tree, do so during late autumn or winter, as this is when they will respond more favourably.

  • While wet feet are poorly tolerated by citrus, it’s still important to have them located in areas in which the soil will not dry out, such as in a loamy soil. Mulch and water well during the warmer months to keep the fruit juicy.

  • Feed your citrus some food in spring and summer to encourage flowering and fruiting.
  • When pruning during the cooler months, try to keep the tree shape natural, with the goal of allowing airflow and sunlight to get through.

We’re moving back towards a time when much of our food is grown at home. That makes the gift of a lemon or lime tree one of special significance. Order your tree gift today and help us populate the country further with citrus!

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