Sweet & Sentimental Plant Gifts for Mother’s Day


Whether Mum has a sweet tooth or would prefer a sentimental Mother’s Day gift, we’ve got your back. Our team has been hard at work field testing all the yummy treats they could, for scientific business research purposes of course. We’ve also done some research and made a list of the most sentimental presents we could find, because of course we all love our Mums!

Sweet and Sentimental Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Thanks to our team sampling and research activities, we’ve made a list of the must have Mother’s Day gifts for this year:

  • Magnolia tree – one for the sentimental Mums here! The beautiful magnolia flower symbolises something that the heart holds dear to itself and is long lasting. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for your Mum to look outside every day and see a reminder of just how much you love her! It’s the everlasting Mother’s Day present.

  • Wild Coast Cocoa Deluxe Hot Chocolate – found in our Sweets & Treats Hamper, this is no ordinary hot chocolate powder. Smooth, with a full-bodied cocoa taste, this is a must have for every Mum’s kitchen.

  • Molly Woppy biscuits – tell your Mum to put these up high out of the grandkid’s reach because she is not going to want to share these biscuits! Found in our Thinking of You Hamper, this is a lovely gift to have sent to Mum when you can’t be there in person.

  • Camellia tree – another gorgeous sentimental plant gift, the Camellia tree symbolises great love, and it flowers between March to July to brighten up the garden too. Mum will just adore looking at it, perhaps taking a photo of the grandkids next to it each year? We’ve even got a guide with 5 tips about caring for camellia trees you could share with her to ensure her tree remains looking stunning.

  • NZ Plunger Coffee – there’s nothing quite like the first coffee of the day, and we adore the plunger coffee available in our Coffee Lovers Hamper! She’ll also love the coffee syrup that’s also included, making this the ultimate coffee lovers’ gift.

Of course, we don’t have the space to discuss everything we tasted, but we can guarantee that every single one of the goodies available through our website are delicious. Why not give her one of our stunning Mother’s Day plant gift hampers this year – we’ll deliver it right to her too!



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