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Why Growing Plants Makes You Feel Better

You’ve most likely seen co-workers, friends and family members who have thriving indoor pot plants or outdoor gardens. They’ve obviously put in a lot of time and effort to achieve such results but is it worth it for you to do the same?

Quite frankly, yes. Researchers have found there are numerous health benefits to growing plants. We’re detailing what they are for you today.

5 Reasons Why Growing Plants Makes You Feel Better 

If you’re not already enjoying seeing plants in pots or in the garden around your home or office, be prepared to be. Growing plants both indoors and outdoors can offer numerous benefits, including:

  1. Improved mental health – just seeing the greenery and calming nature of a living plant is enough to give your brain a pleasant boost. 

  2. Better sleep – when you are calm and content, you sleep better. Having plants around you helps you to feel relaxed. Need we say anymore?

  3. Improved air quality – plants take in CO2 and let out O2, helping provide us with clean and clear air. NASA even did a study which found that houseplants can remove up to 87% of toxins in the air within 24 hours. Time to pop a few air plants on your desk for an added boost to the air quality within your office we think!

  4. Raised productivity – when you feel great, you work better. An environment which is pleasant to work in, means you are relaxed and motivated to work. Consequently, there are fewer sick days and happier staff – a win-win in our books. In schools though, it was found that students were 70% more attentive when their classrooms contained plants. Best give the teacher a plant rather than an apple!

  5. Less noise – plants can be used as natural noise blockers, both inside and out. Planting a large hedge of trees between your house and the road can make things much quieter in the garden. Inside, put your pot plants on hard surfaces to reduce the echoes and noises they make when used.

Well, we’re guessing you’ll be wanting to know which plants can provide the most benefits for you? The answer is all of them! They provide these five benefits regardless of their size, colours and shapes, making choosing the right ones for your home or office a personal decision. As for a gift for someone else, we suggest taking a look at our Gift Hamper Boxes, all include the living plant of your choice along with a few treats or body care products for them to enjoy.  If you need any assistance in choosing, just ask! 

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