Blog | Tree Gifts NZ - Read the latest news in eco-friendly gifts!

Keeping Safe When Spring Gardening

Keeping Safe When Spring Gardening
During spring gardening time, there are occurrences of legionnaires disease amongst gardeners that make the news headlines. A notifiable disease, legionnaires disease comes from the legionella bacteria which can cause a type of pneumonia, fever, chest pain, difficulty breathing and even death.

Why Growing Plants Makes You Feel Better

Why Growing Plants Makes You Feel Better

Forget the horrors of Audrey, the lean green monster from outer space. We’re talking today about how growing plants at home or your workplace can improve the way you feel! 

Tips On Planting a Memorial Tree for a Loved One

Tips On Planting a Memorial Tree for a Loved One

The gift of a memorial tree can help with the grieving process, provide comfort and show your love for those left behind. Read our tips on choosing and planting a memorial tree for a loved one.

New Zealand’s Favourite Public Gardens to Visit

New Zealand’s Favourite Public Gardens to Visit
Ready to visit one or more of the many beautiful public gardens in NZ? We’ve put together a comprehensive list of our favourites to get you started.

How to Create a Child-Friendly Garden in a Weekend

How to Create a Child-Friendly Garden in a Weekend
Got any plans this weekend? You have now! We’ve put together some ideas to help you create a child-friendly garden in a weekend. Are you up for the challenge?

5 Tips On Attracting Birds to Your Garden

5 Tips On Attracting Birds to Your Garden
Learn more about just how easy it is attracting birds to your garden by taking a read of our five simple tips, and reap the rewards of beautiful birdsong in your backyard!

How to Create a Bee-Friendly Garden

How to Create a Bee-Friendly Garden
Do you have a bee-friendly garden? We think everyone should, and we’ll explain what one is and how you can easily create your own bee-friendly garden at home.

5 Tips on Caring for Your Camellia Tree

Tips on Caring for your Camellia Trees
Your Camellia tree will give you years of stunning blooms and foliage with only a tiny bit of effort.  Learn these five top tips on caring for your Camellia and enjoy having this gorgeous tree grace your garden or pot today.

7 Exciting Ideas for Eco-Friendly Wedding Favours

Tree Gifts Blog on Eco Friendly Weddings
Looking for some ideas for your eco-friendly wedding favours? We’ve made a list of seven of what we believe are the nicest environmentally friendly favours for your upcoming wedding!

Deciduous Verses Evergreen Trees: Which Should You Pick?

Tree Gifts Autumn Leaves
Here in NZ, we are lucky to be able to have such variety in the deciduous and evergreen trees we can plant at home. We share the differences between each, helping you to pick the right one for your garden.

Need Eco-Friendly Gifts? Here’s Our Sustainable Gift Giving Guide!

Blog - Sustainable Gift Giving NZ
When it comes to eco-friendly gifts, our sustainable gift giving guide has got you covered!  The gifts we choose to give to family, friends and clients should be environmentally friendly or have as little negative impact as possible.

Money Doesn't Grow on Trees! - But Tree Gifts Count

Lemon Tree Gifts - Blog
Money may not grow on trees, but fruit picked straight from the garden could be the next best thing. There’s such a great feeling that comes from walking around the garden picking fruit to nourish the family rather than heading to the supermarket. 

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